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🎤 I Can Let MY Hair Down 🎤
Relationships aren't meant to be confining. They aren't meant to make us feel like we have to "walk on egg shells" or that we need to...

Is Something Wrong With Me???
Another relationship has come and gone leaving me so wrung out I feel like crawling in a hole and never speaking to anyone...ever again....

I'm a Collegiate Athlete...I Can't Be Depressed
From the time I started playing coach-pitch, at only 4 years old, I began shaping my identity as an athlete, a tom-boy, and a tough girl,...

Why Are We Fighting?
As we attempt to repair, reconnect, and make sense of "what just happened" following a fight, we are often flooded with questions like:...

Understanding the Athlete and Athlete Relationships.
Are you a current or former elite-level athlete? Do you experience difficulty in life and relationships due to perfectionism, performance...

When Black and White Meet Gray: Tips for Coping with Unexpected Life Situations
Black and white thinking, also known as "either/or" thinking, serves us well when we are first establishing an understanding of the world...

Men's Mental Health Awareness Month
I wanted to take this time to address the societal norms that sometimes prevent men from seeking mental health treatment. Watch above for...

Conflicting Views on Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Legacy
As both a couples therapist and advocate for basic human rights, I find myself entertaining a variety of thoughts about the legacy left...

Wanna Know a Secret? Top 3 Ways a Life of Secrecy May Be Ruining Your Intimacy
While it is often thought of as common practice to tell "little white lies" or occasionally leave out details that would reveal whole...

Why Your Therapist's Personal Experience May Not Actually Be That Important
Choosing the right therapist can be a daunting task. While we often consult with our neighbors and friends when searching for the best...

Understanding "Co-Dependence"
For those of you who have ever been in a relationship where you believed yourself or your partner to be "co-dependent," it is far more...

Knowing When to Warrant yourself a "Mental Health Day"
If you keep up with trending topics in social media or mainstream news, you may have heard the hype around one employee's email exchange...

Who is the Millennial "Wonder Woman?"
Recently hitting the box office was DC's "Wonder Woman," starring female actress, Gal Gadot. This blockbuster film aimed at portraying...

Sharpen up on your "Tech" Etiquette: 5 Tips from Today's Experts
In reference to New York Time's trending article, "You're Not Busy, You're Just Rude," I want to highlight the difficulty of navigating...

Parenting Athletes in Today's "Professionalized" Youth Sports
If you are a friend or relative to a young person in organized sports, you have likely seen a glimpse of the pressure that accompanies...

The Psychological Benefits of Giving
Whether you participated in Giving Tuesday or spent your Black Friday searching for the perfect gifts to brighten the holiday season for...

Keeping your sanity this November 8th, 2016 presidential election day
Social media is buzzing with opinionated posts regarding this 2016 presidential election. Many of these posts are laden with expressions...

Saying Goodbye and Remembering Those We Love
Día del Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday celebrated in many parts of the United States and other countries due to...

What's Love Got to Do With It? "Love Sense" You Probably Didn't Know About
For many of us, love is a mystery we don't dare attempt to solve. If you're like me you may find yourself in need of some aspirin or a...

The Truth About Infertility
Did you know physicians can now locate the biological underpinnings of 90% of all cases of infertility? Although, not all of these...
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